Monday, March 10, 2014

Another Book Update

I have wrote 3,711 words today. That's pretty good as I am trying to get back into the mood for writing this particular book. It's not that I have writer's block or anything like that, it's because parts of this book is difficult to write. Sometimes, I just want to reach in and choke one of my characters and other times I want to smack some of the others. Aaargh, sometimes people do such stupid things and they wonder why they're in the situation that they're in. Anyway, now my novel has 46,832 words completed. My masterpiece is halfway done.

Ahem, my name is Brianca and I'm probably the one that my author wants to choke or smack. She probably wants to do both. I know that I've done some really stupid things in my lifetime but it has all helped to shape me into the person that I am today. My author is writing about what happened to me during my wild period of my life and I agree with her. I'd like to smack me too! What on earth possessed me to do some of those things? I can't really blame it on anyone except myself. I knew about God, but I didn't really have Him in my life. I ran away from Him as well as my family and friends.

Anyway, please forgive my author if she takes my story and throws it across the room every now and then. Don't worry, I'll encourage her to finish it. Besides, my story needs to be told. I need to help other girls and women. I want to keep the innocent from making the bad decisions that I did and I want to give hope to the ones who are currently in the same situation or something similar to what I went through. Ladies, never give up because there is always still hope. God is our hope. We all just have to learn to trust Him. Take care everyone and keep your head up. ~ Brianca Euley (fictional character)

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